The use of CCTV around the clubhouse and car park areas has been considered and is required for the purposes or prevention and detection of crime, ascertaining damage to property and for protecting the safety of members and visitors. It will not be used for any other purposes and its use will be reviewed annually.
Images will be retained for a period no longer than 7 days and then disposed of, unless required for the purposes named above. Images from the CCTV are securely stored and only a limited number of authorised persons have access to them. The recorded images are only retained long enough for any incident to come to light, which can then be investigated.
With the exception of law enforcement bodies in the instance of crime, or insurance companies in the instance of damage to property, images will not be provided to third parties.
Cameras have been positioned to only capture images of persons visiting the premises and there is a designated person responsible for the system. This person is the Secretary Manager who can be contacted on [email protected] or at:
Formby Golf Club
Golf Road
L37 1LQ
The potential impact on individual’s privacy has been identified and taken into account in use of the system.
Regular checks on the system are carried out by a competent engineer and a copy of their privacy policy is retained at the Club. The requirement for CCTV to be used on site is reviewed annually.
Version 1.1 2nd May 2018